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IFO - Identified Flying Objects

What to do with flies who have found their end on a sticky fly paper?

The answer is here.

This is how the originals were made: 1) taking of the photographs and then positioning of the negative images on the paper via a photographic enlarger 2) then using my dear tools again, the brush, developer and fixer. 3) and once the brush developed photo was done, I photographed it in fragments and processed it on a computer a litttle bit.

Mida teha kärbestega, kes liimipaberil oma otsa leidnud? 

Vastus on siin.


Originaaltaiesed valmisid nii: 1) pildistamine, siis negatiivkujutise fotosuurendi kaudu paberile eksponeerimine. 2)  võtsin taas kätte armsa töövahendi pintsli, ilmuti ja kinniti.  3) pildistasin valminud pintselilmutatud fotot fragmentidena ja töötlesin pisut arvutis.

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