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(The 1980-90s)


Aurelius Augustine once proclaimed:

"And what man is any kind of man since he is a man? But, what business have I with men that they should hear my confessions, as if they could become the healers of all my diseases? A race interested in finding out about the other man's life, slothful in amending their own! Why do they seek to hear from me what I am, when they do not wish to hear from Thee what they are? And how do they know whether I am telling the truth when they hear about me from myself, since no one among men knows what goes on in a man, save the spirit of the man which is in him? I cannot prove to them that the things I confess are true. But, they whose ears charity doth open unto me, they believe me."


I cannot prove to you that what my pictures confess is true. But, they whose eyes charity doth open unto me, they believe me.


Aurelius Augustinus on öelnud:
"Ja kes on inimene, ükskõik milline inimene, kui ta on vaid inimene? Mis on mul siis tegemist inimestega? Miks peaksid nad kuulma mu
tunnistusi, justkui nemad hakkaksid parandama kõiki mu vigadusi? Sugu, kes uudishimulikuna teiste elu suhtes ei tee midagi oma eluviisi õgvendamiseks!
Miks nad tahavad minult kuulda, kes ma olen, kui nad ei taha Sinult kuulda,kes nemad on? Ja kust nad teada saavad, kuuldes minult mu enda kohta,
kas ma räägin tõtt, sest keegi ei tea ju, mis toimub inimeses, kui vaid inimesevaim, kes temas on? Ma ei saa neile tõestada, et tunnistan tõtt, kuid mind
usuvad need, kellede kõrvad minu kuulmiseks on avanud armastus."

Ma ei saa teile tõestada, et tunnistan oma piltidega tõtt, kuid loodan, et mind
usuvad need, kellede silmad on avanud armastus.

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