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1980 -  Life University

1979 - 1980 Tallinn’s 2nd School of Technology (Degree in Photography)

1964 - 1975 Juuru High School (Secondary Education Graduate)

Further Education:

2010 Estonian Folk Culture Centre - Video production, Reportage filming

1987 Tartu Art Museum - Visual Arts Course (Painting, Drawing, Art History)


Career History:

08.2016 - freelancer / free man

04.2002 - 07.2016 FIE Jaak Kadarik - Photographer

11.2012 - 01.2016 Publisher Nädaline OÜ - Photographer

04.2010 - 05.2012 Mahtra Peasantry Museum - Video Specialist

08.1995 - 09.2005 The Baltic Guide - Photographer

12.1986 - 03.1987 Rapla Service Production Company - Photographer

08.1984 - 11.1985 Factory of Commercial Advertisement - Photographer

08.1982 - 06.1984 EKE, Harju Electricity - Photographer

04.1981 - 12.1982 Film Studio Tallinnfilm - Photographer

05.1980 - 05.1981 Tallinn’s 1st High School of Vocation - Photo Lab Technician




1985 - 1987 Rapla Photoclub

1991 - 1993 Photogroup „Igavesti Sinu“ (Always Yours)



Personal Exhibitions:

1991 „Caprizzio“, Film Studio Tallinnfilm

1992 „Ameerika vanaema“ (The America`s Grandmom ), Museum of Art Photography, Helsinki, Finland

1995 „Ilmutatud fotod“ (The Revelation & Development), Gallery„Lee“, Town Jail Photography Museum, Tallinn, Estonia

1997 „Valguse jäljed“ (Signs of Light ), Central Library of Rapla, Estonia

1997 „VALGUSE JÄLJED“ (Signs of Light ), Museum Vallitorni, Paide, Estonia

1998 „Valguse jäljed_(Signs of Light vol 2), „ Inimene Jumalata“ (The Human Without God) , Museum Vallitorni, Paide, Estonia

2000 “Pildid ja tekstid" (Photos & Texts) with the texts of Marko Tiitus, in Mahtra Museum, Estonia

2001 “Pildid ja tekstid" (Photos & Texts) with the texts of Marko Tiitus, in Rapla Church, Estonia

2017 "ILMUTATUD ILMUTUSED" (Developed Revelations), The Gallery of Rapla County Local Government

2017  „Ilmutatud ilmutused vol2“ (Developed Revelations), Library of Märjamaa Parish, Estonia

2017 „LOOKING THROUGH“, "LÄBIVAADE" Culture Center of Järvakandi, Estonia

2017 „BLACK`N WHITE“ , Library of Kohila Parich, Estonia

2017 „PHOTOGRAMS & PHOTOS 1998-2017“,  Tohisoo Manor house, Kohila, Estonia

2018 „LOOKING THROUGH“ / "LÄBIVAADE" Gallery Ly , Culture Center of Märjamaa, Estonia

2018 „BLACK & WHITE“ / "MUST & VALGE", The Rapla County Centre of Contemporary Art, Rapla, Estonia

2021 "FROM WALL TO WALL" / "SEINAST SEINA" , painted portraits, Culture Centre of Juuru, Estonia.

2021 "MEETING IN THE ATTIC" / "KOHTUMINE ÄRKLITOAS" , painted portraits, privat gallery Ärklituba in Paide, Estonia

2021  "EYE TO EYE"/ "SILMAST SILMA" , painted portraits, Glass Hall Gallery in Türi Cultural Center, Estonia

2021  "N-SUBSTANCE" / "N-AINE"  , acrylic paintings, Rütman Gallery, Rapla, Estonia

2021  "THE BRIGHT SOULS OF THE HOMELAND / OMAKANDI HELGED HINGED", painted portraits, Rapla Central Library

2021  "NUDES & PORTRAITS / AKTID & PORTREED", oil-, acrylic & guashpaintings, Gallery Ly, Culture Centre of Märjamaa, Estonia

2022  "FOTOGRAMMID  /  PHOTOGRAMS"  Glass Hall Gallery in Türi Cultural Center, Estonia


University of Tartu Library (Wilhelm Struve 1)

1st floor’s open archive / 2nd floor’s conference center.

This exhibition is the most extensive one I have had so far, it includes analog photography, digital photo editing, experimental photography (deviations from classical chemical processing of analog photography, photograms, brush development, painting on photos), gouache, oil, and acrylic paintings, 182 works from 1985-2023.


Photograms, painting, video, installation. Rütman Gallery, Rapla, Estonia.

2023  HELGED HINGED / THE BRIGHT SOULS  vol2, painted  portraits, Galerii Ärklituba, Paide

2023  HELGED HINGED /  THE BRIGHT SOULS vol3, painted portraits, Märjamaa raamatukogu

2023-2024  HELGED HINGED / THE BRIGHT SOULS vol4, painted portraits,  Rapla Keskraamatukogu saal.

2024  VANA & UUS  /  OLD & NEW  photos & paintings on the subject of the Old and New Testaments. Märjamaa Library Gallery / Märjamaa raamatukogu galerii.

2024  RIIGIMEHED  /  STATESMEN  painted portraits of Estonian statesmen of the 20th century.  Juuru Community Centre.

Collective Exhibitions:

1981-1985 Year exhibitions of Association of Estonian Art Photography

1985-1987 Collective exhibitions of Rapla Photoclub

1989 “Sekaiset Ajat" (Troubled Times), Roam exhibition in Finland

1991 „Always Yours“, Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn, Estonia

1991 „Contemporary Soviet Photography", Rosa Esman Gallery, New York

1991 „Photographers Estoniens ", Charleroy Photographic Museum, Belgium

1991 „Contemporary Soviet Photography", Roy Boyd Gallery, Chicago, USA

1992 „Contemporary Baltic Photography", Odense Photographic Museum, Denmark

1997 „Persona“, Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn, Estonia

1997  "Taevas keldris" (Heaven in the Cellar), Jaak Kadarik, Toomas Kaasik,

Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn, Estonia

1999 „Enesepaljastajad“ (The Self-Revealers), Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia

2011 "DARK, DARKNESS", Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM)

2018  „The X-Files [Registry of the Nineties]“,  KUMU, Art Museum of Estonia

2022  SKATING ON THIN ICE („Uisutades õhukesel jääl“). Art Gallery in Türi Cultural House

2023   XXX rahvusvaheline aktinäitus "MEES JA NAINE" / XXX international nude exhibition "MAN AND WOMAN", , Museum of Contemporary Art, Pärnu, Estonia.



Photos in poetry books:


Hasso Krull. Jazz. Forty Poems (Poetry, Estonian)

Published by Vagabund, 1998, pp. 54



Jüri Leesment. Saada mind kiusatusse (Get Me Into Temptation).

Published by Ilmamaa. 2007

Jüri Leesment. Täna mängime elu (Today we play life). 

Published by Ilmamaa, 2018

© 2019 by Jaak Kadarik  / created with

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